
Do you want to join EU?

I'll think about
Meh, clan could be better.

Author Topic: [EU] New website and topic hurray!  (Read 2518 times)

No need for bumping all that much...

No need for bumping all that much...

Or is there??

duh duh duh.

I would love to join, however I won't be on the computer until 9:00 to 11:00 AM next morning.

Preferably, for the sake of me and others who wish to join, It'd be appreciated if you included the application to join along with the rest of the clan description. As far as submitting a build, I will create a Gallery topic and post a link here/give a download link. It's a lot easier because I have computer limits which may make meeting on a server difficult. Just a small bit of info:

Blockland Name: .:FancyPants:.
Blockland ID: 10238
Reason I wish to apply: I know most basic eventing commands but have yet to learn the major points of VCE, which I have had trouble learning with the in-game instruction guide. VCE is what I'd like to learn from this and overall I haven't been eventing often and would love to have a reason to continue.

EDIT: I also would like to ask: Are we aloud to submit builds that we have already created, or must we construct and fully event our own project after we've said we want to join?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 04:27:34 AM by .:FancyPants:. »

I would love to join, however I won't be on the computer until 9:00 to 11:00 AM next morning.

Preferably, for the sake of me and others who wish to join, It'd be appreciated if you included the application to join along with the rest of the clan description. As far as submitting a build, I will create a Gallery topic and post a link here/give a download link. It's a lot easier because I have computer limits which may make meeting on a server difficult. Just a small bit of info:

Blockland Name: .:FancyPants:.
Blockland ID: 10238
Reason I wish to apply: I know most basic eventing commands but have yet to learn the major points of VCE, which I have had trouble learning with the in-game instruction guide. VCE is what I'd like to learn from this and overall I haven't been eventing often and would love to have a reason to continue.

EDIT: I also would like to ask: Are we aloud to submit builds that we have already created, or must we construct and fully event our own project after we've said we want to join?

I would love to have you in the clan. We haven't had much excitement lately and if you're looking to get back into the flow of eventing, then we welcome you. I invite you to come to the server and make an application. Right now I am hosting the server for UBB but you are welcome to make an application for EU.

Hello Spec, I'd like to note that first, I registered on the site as Tuevon.

Second on the agenda, there was a server hosted today by FaTAlE ID:[22122].  Server name as official [EU] server.  I got banned for a rather inappropriate ban reason and would not like to cause any drama in posting it.  I was likely banned for asking too many questions.  So either this is a member that was admitted and I had not been informed about, or it is some guy who doesn't care what symbols are on the EU, and just added brackets on each side.  Either way, this is likely an impersonator clan and would like to request a blacklist for all impersonator clan members.

Oh hm, well would like to be unbaned...

Also wondering why there are different Co-Leaders on the site than on the forums...
« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 08:06:56 PM by SWAT One »

-We don't current have any allies but it will be much appreciated if you want to.

Too weak of a clan to hold your own? Then ally with us! Just send me a PM and I'll send you the prerequisites you'll need to complete and you'll be on our "cease-fire against these clans" list in no time! Oh, and here's that list:

[EU] (Eventers United Clan ) ACTIVE
{GBLD} (Global Blockland Defences) ACTIVE

I find it funny you forgot.

Spectrum's brother got him banned on the forums, for now, just refer to the official clan page.