Author Topic: Evangelion 3.0: Quickening  (Read 876 times)

Alright so I'm a big Evangelion fan, first watched it back when it first was out on TV in Australia when I was really young. Ever since I've loved it to death, then in 2007 Rebuild of Evangelion 1.0 came out, my pants just exploded due to excitement of the recreation of the TV show in its "True form". Then later Evangelion 2.9 came out part 2, this was so incredible, the music the visuals in 1080p blew me away. Evangelion 2.0 was released back in 2009 and I've been eagerly been waiting for 3.0 since, so far the only thing that had been released of 3.0 was the trailer at the end of 2.0 (Except that was developed during 2.0 meaning its really isn't apart of 3.0).

But a few days ago... this was released...

Pants, exploded.

Here's the Eva 3.0 trailer at the end of 2.0

Basically this means there's been progress, and enough progress to create a small teaser trailer. Since 2009 we've been in the dark of 3.0 but this confirms a release in 2012. loving hurry up and end 2011! I know people don't like Evangelion or care for it, but to me its my bible... its what made me, me.

I'm on like episode 8 of Evangelion

Is there spoilers in these videos?

I'm on like episode 8 of Evangelion

Is there spoilers in these videos?
in the trailers or the movies?

I don't think the trailers would spoil too much but as for the movies:

The intention is for the series to be four films, a tetralogy, with the first three films providing new scenes, settings, and characters as well as newly available 3D CG technology and the fourth presenting a completely new conclusion to the story. Another stated intention of the series is for it to be more accessible to non-fans than the original TV series and films were.

Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone -
The plot is largely a point-for-point adaptation of episodes one through six of the original anime. While some scenes and events are replications of the original series, others unfold differently with new or omitted scenes and newly-available 3D CG technology.

So I suppose the first two films might spoil a few things, I'd advise watching them after you've completed a series.