Author Topic: RTB4 Workstation Show-off  (Read 829 times)

Show off your RTB Workstation! (In other words, how you have everything layed out.


You have no room for the other two chat rooms. Why did you fill a majority of your screen with one of the chat rooms? Besides that, Options doesn't need it's own section of the screen, since you shouldn't need to keep it open all the time.

You have no room for the other two chat rooms. Why did you fill a majority of your screen with one of the chat rooms? Besides that, Options doesn't need it's own section of the screen, since you shouldn't need to keep it open all the time.
If this is what RTB4 is going to have, I don't want it. To much crap in the way.

If this is what RTB4 is going to have, I don't want it. To much crap in the way.
It's just a screen capture of how he set the windows out in the RTB4 interface in a lame and pointless thread.

He also devoted parts of the screen to different chats, which is less than ideal. But that really strikes me which I just noticed is he covered up the Close button. Doesn't that make it difficult on yourself? Sure, most of the time you'll close it with the keybind, but that's there for a reason.

He also devoted parts of the screen to different chats, which is less than ideal. But that really strikes me which I just noticed is he covered up the Close button. Doesn't that make it difficult on yourself? Sure, most of the time you'll close it with the keybind, but that's there for a reason.
Shift + Tab Again, or press esc.

in a lame and pointless thread.

If you guys don't think this thread was a good idea I might lock.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 12:58:29 AM by Trogtor »

Lol fail.

Workstation? Looks to me like you just opened as many windows as you could to make yourself appear busy lolol.

It resets the windows when you quit Blockland tho... at least it does for me.. :c