Author Topic: I edited Ghost's House interiors...  (Read 1763 times)

...and replaced them with better ones :D

I changed:

The computer monitor's screen so that it shows my own.
The big TV screen so it shows Mystery Science Theater 3000 instead of the Halo 3 trailer.
And the newspaper, for the lulz.

EDIT: My pics are over FIVETHOUSAND TWELVE KILOBYTES!!! Lemme up them to a site.
Mystery Science Theeeaaatree...Three thoussaaaaand!!!
I can't type very fast at this size!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 08:57:34 PM by Gen. Nick »

I see no pictures
EDIT: My pics are over FIVETHOUSAND TWELVE KILOBYTES!!! Lemme up them to a site.
Got 'em now.

Just in case your wondering, the monitor pic has my start menu, my games folder, and the Blockland main site with a special URL.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 08:58:41 PM by Gen. Nick »

you can also compress 'em (save them as .jpg)

you can also compress 'em (save them as .jpg)
Got to make note of that.