Author Topic: Additional 90° Print Plates  (Read 2344 times)

We all know about the "One Random Brick Pack" with all of its useful bricks. But there is one brick that I wish had more variety. The 2x2f Print 90: The 2x2 floor print plate that stands up.

I would love to see a 1x2f Print 90 and a 1x1f Print 90 made. Cant tell you how many times I fount myself in a situation were I needed these but didn't have them. These would be highly useful if made.
Along with horizontal poles dammit!

The 1x2 has already been made but its glitchy, and i don't know where to download it.

The 1x2 has already been made but its glitchy, and i don't know where to download it.

Well, that not gonna help me much is it?

Some guy had it. But it was private.
I may be able to get it in certain ways

The lack of interest here worries me.

Some guy had it. But it was private.
I may be able to get it in certain ways

>implying that you know how to "Hack" and could copy it from their computer to yours, just to look cool.

Couldn't you just modify the from one random brick pack's .blb to make it a print brick? I'm not very experienced with bricks, but I think that's possible.

Couldn't you just modify the from one random brick pack's .blb to make it a print brick? I'm not very experienced with bricks, but I think that's possible.

Not sure if you understood what I meant. I want an upright 1x2Print f and a 1x1Print f to go with the 2x2Print f 90 that we have in that pack.

I'm suggesting this because I don't know how to make bricks correctly.

Not sure if you understood what I meant. I want an upright 1x2Print f and a 1x1Print f to go with the 2x2Print f 90 that we have in that pack.

I'm suggesting this because I don't know how to make bricks correctly.

Ah, now I see.

I don't know how to make them, either, but a friend of mine might be able to. I'll ask him when he gets on Steam.

>implying that you know how to "Hack" and could copy it from their computer to yours, just to look cool.
>implying he is implying he can hack

Horizontal poles sounds like a really good idea ;O

Horizontal poles sounds like a really good idea ;O

They have been a good idea, that no one is making!

Actually I don't need to hack or anything
That guy was called Pirate of Blockland and then was recently called Harvard Blockand. Look him up on RTB

Is anyone but me interested in this?