Author Topic: A Small Futuristic City by Isaac Fox  (Read 1119 times)

By Isaac Fox

This is a small metropolis I built, which I am going to use in a Sci-Fi TDM later on. The teams are the "Blue Rangers" and the enemies, the "Red Marauders". The Red Marauders are the invaders of the city, and the Blue Rangers are the defenders. The following are screenshots of the build. Please note that this is my first gallery topic.

A building advertising Return to Blockland and a "Got Block?" campaign.

A soldier guarding the entrance to the city. Clicking on him, and he will tell you that the city is a war zone, and that you should evacuate the city as soon as possible unless you are fully prepared to aid in the battle.

A digital clock tower. It will be used as the deathmatch timer.

A red launch pad. Stepping on one enables your jets for 5 seconds, just enough time to board the enemy's spacecraft carriers.

One of the better looking buildings.

One of the buildings include an accessible interior, with a staircase and a lift. (Elevator)

A statue of my Blockhead, with some more buildings in the background.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 04:13:15 PM by Isaac Fox »

Looks nice. Is it still unfinished?

Looks nice. Is it still unfinished?

It's pretty much finished, but I am thinking of adding a little more to it. You can suggest something if you like.

It's pretty much finished, but I am thinking of adding a little more to it. You can suggest something if you like.

Well, you gotta add some more lights and such to give it a more futuristic look. Right now it just looks like a mad city.

Very bland
Add more shape to the buildings, it'll look nicer.

Better than I could do, Nice.