Author Topic: Drought: TDM-VIP map!  (Read 805 times)

Hey guys, just wanted to show you my TDM - VIP map I made! :D At this time of writing, my server is up, and probably will be for a while.

I'll show some pictures at the end of my post (Imageshack isn't working, I've tried God knows how many times >_<), and I'll explain what our gamemode rules and how it works.

There are, of course, two teams. Red and Blue. They both have a leader, and the opposing team has to kill them. Standard shtuff.
However, us admins have a team, called the Mercs. The Mercs roll dice, to decide which team they will give a little assistance to.

Here are the kinds of assistance you can get: Sniper (self-explantory, 3 shots) Air (Carpet Bombing, Homing Missile strikes), Ground (Assistance shooting men on the ground), Tank (we send in a tank, you guys can pile in with the driver and tear the other team to shreds :3), and Heavy (Shining Laser or Mini Nuke hits)

Well, that's about it. Here are the pictures. I hope you come to my server, and if you do, I hope you have fun! :D

Constructive Criticism is appreciated. Rate x/10 please :P
« Last Edit: January 08, 2012, 04:31:58 PM by Mister Cheese »

I'd rather not click the images but I did. I don't like the fact that it's deserted with nothing else besides....nothing.
Add a shack or an out house. Maybe even a broken down fort.

It's very plain, open, and lacks detail.

Also, how do you expect people to survive with almost no cover whatsoever?

add some terrain varation to shift things up a bit

Cactus' is the best kind of protection!

I would say 5-6/10, it is very barren and has no specialty in the terrain in any way. Try adding in some terrain and more buildings to make more cover and design.

The openness would be okay if there was some terrain. At the very least some plates stacked to simulate light sand hills