Author Topic: Brain Smith  (Read 7878 times)

PICTURES TAKEN AT HEEDICALKING'S ENIES LOBBY! don't miss out! help wanted in exchange for RARE CHARACTER SLOTS (wow! sweet!)!

you see im not the only one who noticed that
Ironic isn't it.

PICTURES TAKEN AT HEEDICALKING'S ENIES LOBBY! don't miss out! help wanted in exchange for RARE CHARACTER SLOTS (wow! sweet!)!
server sucks hard only thing happens here is drama crap
wouldnt visit again 0/10

PICTURES TAKEN AT HEEDICALKING'S ENIES LOBBY! don't miss out! help wanted in exchange for RARE CHARACTER SLOTS (wow! sweet!)!

Your server is nice and nicely made, but the teams are terribly unbalanced. When there's the same amount of players on each team, the Marines always get raped by the Pirates.

PICTURES TAKEN AT HEEDICALKING'S ENIES LOBBY! don't miss out! help wanted in exchange for RARE CHARACTER SLOTS (wow! sweet!)!

The concept of the TDM is a little frightening to me but it is so ridiculously fun 10/10 would read a drama about it again.