Author Topic: Graffiti Elephant Stencil  (Read 2147 times)

The Blockland Forum community. I can't wait to see what abuse I'll receive from the hard critic of our open armed, friendly, familiar faces...
I'm currently doing an Art GCSE at school for O levels (This is all english stuff so I don't know if everyone'll understand). We've been given the task over the Christmas holidays to complete a final piece that will be graded and sent to be added to our final mark. I thought seeing as we've quite a creative span of members on the forums I could look around for some views of work.

This is a Stencil Lettered Elephant piece I've worked between 26th to the 31st December that is going to be submitted for marking when I get back to school life on the 4th.

As you might notice there were some slip ups with it, tearing as such near the trunk, but that can be repaired with some airbrushing so no worries there! As said above it's an elephant stencil working but if you look closely the body of the elephant is made up of letters spelling out the animal. I've seen it done before but just thought it'd be fun to my self! :D

Feel free to rate and give constructive criticism!
If you have any questions about how I went about doing this or just general questions then go ahead.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2011, 10:48:46 PM by Jam_Jar »

When I read it's an elephant, then it suddenly got 100% cooler

That's pretty loving awesome.

I love how it is what it reads

Holy stuff thats epic

I did think that this was really fun to do and I'd love to do it again. But the background would never be the same! If I was to do multiple ones of these I'd do different animals or objects, I dunno :L

Thank you all for the positive feedback! :D

That's pretty cool, I love how it's made with it's name.

Elephants seem to be something I always catch my self doing now... A lot more of my portfolio work has turned into elephant work! :L

Where are the ears!!!

Where are the ears!!!
Side profile? Can't hear? :o
I'll probably add more of the elephant stuff and this'll become my "Elephant dump" or something along the lines of that :L
« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 05:48:15 PM by Jam_Jar »

I can't see the l in elephant for some reason...

It's the tusks. That's the one bit I don't like because of that, hard to make it out. But 'eh it'll do :L