Author Topic: On [Blank]>Named Brick >Activate  (Read 966 times)

An alternative event that doesnt use relays.

Instead of changing all the events on content bricks you just use this.

It could also work for self activate but I don't see a use for that.

I don't see a point to this.

I don't see a point to this.
Its for use on content bricks or an alternative of fire relay and on relay.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 01:02:02 AM by ShadowZero »

Its for use one content bricks or an alternative of fire relay and on relay.

Still really no point to it.

Still really no point to it.
Yes there is.

Instead of using relays you can activate the brick remotely, which could also work with other bricks like the treasure chest that require activation.

I use projectiles for my non-relay needs.

Still really no point to it.
it's like relays but you would be able to use client and player options too

it's like relays but you would be able to use client and player options too

If you make a relay cause a printCountUnderflow (or Overflow), you can use client events Just decrement 9 then decrement 1 (9+1=10).
If you use VCE, it will work with player as well; just make a faux variable check, like if 1 == 1.

Note this will not work with projectiles, since projectiles spawned by bricks belong to the brick's owner.

Here's the idea.
So you event a brick. It is a consumable item, say, so you event it using VCE. It works perfectly.
Later on, you discover that it would be better for the player to not have to go up to the brick itself to use it, so you set up a relay system. However, you realize that you still have the issue of redoing the events. Say you're lazy, or new to eventing, or the events were just long and complicated, and you really don't want to have to do everything all over again.
This looks like a job for
So then you use that event, and everything works perfectly, and you just saved yourself the work of anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes.

This is the same as using relay events, then realizing that you want the player to be able to click on it in person to use it. Still practical.

Also, relay loops would be much simpler.

You can activate bricks with laser pointer.

This would be the best on bricks you evented with about 30 lines, and all are tiggered with On activate.
Then you notice how you need it to be able to trigger remotly, and you would have to remake all loving events with "onrelay"