Author Topic: I have created forum vision  (Read 1259 times)

We only take credit

don't let this man fool you, he's trying to scam you, we take anything, whether it's belly button lint or your apartment

don't let this man fool you, he's trying to scam you, we take anything, whether it's belly button lint or your apartment

My apartment, take it. I must have these!

My apartment, take it. I must have these!

correction: we take everything except tv boxes

>Not having anti-reflective glasses.

Anti-reflective = no reflectivity.

correction: we take everything except tv boxes


You can have my soul my virginity
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 07:11:07 PM by Electrk »

How can you give that which I have stolen?

don't let this man fool you, he's trying to scam you, we take anything, whether it's belly button lint or your apartment

As if you're not.
I know your secret, you don't even wear glasses!
The whole thing in the OP was done with CGI, mirrors, painted cardboard and paperclips!

How can you give that which I have stolen?


As if you're not.
I know your secret, you don't even wear glasses!
The whole thing in the OP was done with CGI, mirrors, painted cardboard and paperclips!

you son of a bitch

you son of a bitch

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to finish setting up my off-shore bank account so I can wire my money to it before I go into hiding somewhere in Sweden

Why'd you do it, Sami? Why'd you lie to us?!

Why'd you do it, Sami? Why'd you lie to us?!

He didn't even pay me for the painted cardboard and paperclips!

We now exist in Sami's glasses.
This is by far a new step for mankind.

We now exist in Sami's glasses.
This is by far a new step for mankind.
Truman Show.  :)

Why'd you do it, Sami? Why'd you lie to us?!

everyone was doing it :[