Author Topic: The Day After: Second Hell (Revival Yayyyy)  (Read 829 times)


Noteth: 1 cm = 5 kilometers
Black means unexplored, and stay out
Grey means the place is trashed, toppled buildings everywhere, mutants and ghouls may start here
Dark grey means very hazardous, mutants and ghouls may start here
Light grey means safe-ish, humans may start here

On Saturday, February 26, I will no longer accept characters.
"But I don't have time to make a character."
Then you probably won't have time to participate in this thread. There will be no exceptions.

The world has been subject to a massive economic collapse, oil has run out, and alternative energy sources are not working enough. A global thermonuclear war occured, annihilating almost all of humanity.
Almost a decade after those events, small villages of scraps have been built. Mutants frequently attack villages, and almost no new technology has been developed. Everything has gone to hell, almost no new trees sprout, and those that do, die almost immediately. Radiation poisoning is incredibly common, and few humans even walk the earth.
Welcome to hell.

Application sheet:
Previous RPs*:
Theme Song*:

**: Optional, and includes race and stuff.
***: Optional, but you might want one. Skills that are within reason: 20/20 vision, photographic memory, increased mobility, ect.

1. No godmodding. Just no.
2. You can't pull a weapon out of your ass. This is very common. I've done it before. (considered godmodding)
3. I decide whether or not an action is possible, along with whatever mods I might've had come along.
4. Above rule's ruling is decided by a vote.
5. Don't be an ass, if you find a loophole, don't exploit it.
6. Don't be stupid, and claim you have a million bullets, or something along those lines.
7. Dramatically changing the environment to your gain is considered godmodding.
8. Break these rules three times, and I kick you out. No if's, and's, or but's.

NOTE: In 7, I mean a building falling on a group of mutants, or stuff like that. Won't fly with me.

Moderators and such.


Quote from: xxxxkill
Name: Alex Aroth
Age: 19
Personality: Calm, packed under a very hard shell. Kind of a pain in the ass to talk to.
Appearance: Jet black emo-style hair, black eyes, wears a pair of black, rectangular glasses. Skinny, and tall. Quite pale, and rather lanky.
Inventory: 7" KA-BAR knife, strapped to upper arm with a leather strap, rather used looking, has a few scratches and chips in the blade.
Bren-Ten Semi-auto 10mm pistol. 10/20 rounds
Clothing: Black formal attire
Picture*: nope
Backstory*: later
Previous RPs*: Too loving lazy to list
Other**: Asian descent.
Theme Song*: Later
Skill***: Perceiving: Has a heightened sense of sight, hearing, and smell. Also has a quicker reaction time and is above average when it comes to intellect.

Name: Max Nappy
Age: 14
Personality: Easily amused, cannot be alone for more than five minutes, amazing imagination, difficult to annoy, can survive large amount of pain, stubborn, good with medical supplies when under pressure.
Appearance: Very VERY skinny, rather pale, dark brown hair covering ears and forehead, brown eyes, long eyelashes, long torso, five feet and two inches tall, weighs 80 pounds, somewhat hairy legs and arms.
Inventory: Baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it, bandages, small 'Shake N' Bake' tazer, dirty harmonica.
Clothing: Sandals, black and white pajama pants, white shirt, loose fitting black jacket, yellow tinted sunglasses, bandages loosely wrapped around mouth, bandages tightly wrapped around hands, bandages tightly wrapped around feet.
Previous RPs: Highler Ridge, The Melting, two Apocalypse things, the large thread Zombie was in that died a while ago, the traitor in space thing, and some other things I can't remember.

Current location: Wreck of a train built by a child, somewhere within the metro.

Name: Darx Ledger
Personality:Suave, nice, funny
Appearance:Tall, Black hair and goatee.
Inventory: Crowbar. Small knife. Food and water

Clothing: Black pinstripe suit, black pinstripe fedora
Picture*: no
Backstory*: His parents were killed when he was 10. Forced out on the street, the gentleman conned people (usually rich starfishs) He eventually made a name for himself and used his smarts and conning for good, (helping poor people, fixing stuff, etc.)
Previous RPs*: Delve, The darkest hour (zombie),
Other**: Good karma, human
Theme Song*: I'm on a boat.
Skill***: Persuasion of awesome proportions.

Time to join in  
Name: Bryce
Age: 25
Personality: silent, serious, a cold-blooded killer on a mission to survive. He prefers hand to hand combat, but will use guns if needed. A bit emo when it comes to the loss of team mates. Cool-headed during fights, he thinks very strategically.
Appearance: A mutant, who developed a third arm on his back as well as an eye onthe back of his neck. The right side of his face is very charred, as if something had blown up in his face, leaving the outline of his jaw visible through the skin.
Inventory: Knives, tomahawks, riot shield, And a PB / 6P9 silenced pistol
Clothing: Tattered black jacket, shirt, and jeans
Picture*: None.
Backstory: He used to be a mercenary and assassin, working for whoever paid the highest, 60% of the time he would be successful, other times he lost parts of his team. For each lost team member, he carries as scar on his right arm.
Theme Song: Hungarian Self Delete Song
Previous RPs*: Minecraftia, Space Invaders, 118th,
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 04:41:20 PM by xxxxkill »

Name: Max Nappy
Age: 14
Personality: Easily amused, cannot be alone for more than five minutes, amazing imagination, difficult to annoy, can survive large amount of pain, stubborn, good with medical supplies when under pressure.
Appearance: Very VERY skinny, rather pale, dark brown hair covering ears and forehead, brown eyes, long eyelashes, long torso, five feet and two inches tall, weighs 80 pounds, somewhat hairy legs and arms.
Inventory: Baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it, bandages, small 'Shake N' Bake' tazer, dirty harmonica.
Clothing: Sandals, black and white pajama pants, white shirt, loose fitting black jacket, yellow tinted sunglasses, bandages loosely wrapped around mouth, bandages tightly wrapped around hands, bandages tightly wrapped around feet.
Previous RPs: Highler Ridge, The Melting, two Apocalypse things, the large thread Zombie was in that died a while ago, the traitor in space thing, and some other things I can't remember.

Current location: Wreck of a train built by a child, somewhere within the metro.
Let's hope this doesn't die within two hours.

Name: Bradley Jenkins
Age: 20
Personality: A little full of himself, is somewhat funny. Goes a little crazy when stuff hits the fan
Appearance: Of average build, reddish-brown hair, slightly freckled
Inventory: Ruger Mini-14 .223 rifle 10|13 rounds, Scorched pocket knife
Clothing: Olive green jacket, loosely worn over black long sleeved shirt. Khakis
Previous RPs: Dungeons & Dragons RP, Darths & Droids RP
Other: Caucasian
Theme Song:
Skill: Good throwing arm

Let's see if I can keep up with this stuff
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 07:57:12 PM by Mr. Jelly »

After tearing my way through the completely collapsed train cart, I grabbed a lantern that was hanging from the front of the wreckage, and looked down the tunnel. Pretty much anything down here would have heard me crashing, so I had to get moving. Upon dropping the lantern, causing it to fall from it's perch on the train, I had just created a large patch of fire. It swallowed the front of the train in seconds. "Peachy... I really need some help right now..." I muttered through my mouth bandages. With a shake, I had powered my tazer, and let it loose on the barbed wire surrounding my bat. "Come at me bro..." I muttered, preparing myself for anything that wanted an easy meal, which seemed like a lot as growls and orders filled the path coming from the East, and some shouts filled the secondary path from the North. I was at a four way intersection, with monsters from one direction and a scouting party from another. I was screwed.

Yeah I can't keep up with this stuff.

Goodnight, everybody!

Name: Darx Ledger
Personality:Suave, nice, funny
Appearance:Tall, Black hair and goatee.
Inventory: Crowbar. Small knife. Food and water

Clothing: Black pinstripe suit, black pinstripe fedora
Picture*: no
Backstory*: His parents were killed when he was 10. Forced out on the street, the gentleman conned people (usually rich starfishs) He eventually made a name for himself and used his smarts and conning for good, (helping poor people, fixing stuff, etc.)
Previous RPs*: Delve, The darkest hour (zombie),
Other**: Good karma, human
Theme Song*: I'm on a boat.
Skill***: Persuasion of awesome proportions.

Picking the lock on a desk in a ruined office building yields no rewards. Saddened I return to the homeless man.
 "I couldn't find your picture. I am sorry."
Enraged, he grabs a pipe and start swinging it.
"Woah! Slow down!" It seems he has gone crazy so I stab him. He falls to the ground limp and I bury him as best I can in the rubble.

My knife was drawn. I peered below from the vantage point I had from atop a small, wrecked building. Four way intersection, one in the center, two masses from two sides, both hostile. "This is gonna be fun," I said no one in particular. I pulled the Bren-Ten from the shoulder holster, checking on the ammo. Fully loaded, two more magazines ready to go.
I waited for the two masses to come closer.

"How am I going to get out of this mess?" I asked myself. The West and South seemed safe, but danger could easily be pulled out of the ground. Where was I anyways? I wasn't safe, that was for sure. The group from the North was a small group of some ghouls, a filthy human, and some dogs, whereas the group from the East was a larger group of ghouls and mutants. A small spark from the fire nipped my neck. I slapped it, leaving a red mark. I was incredibly close to the fire, which also blocked my path to the South. The West was my last option. The tracks that held my train started to get hot. An idea emerged. Like a plate, I hit the tracks with my bat, sending the surge from the barbed wire into them, and into the train, powering the fire. The surge exiting the wire, however, made me stumble as I started drunkenly sprinting to the West.

Whoever was standing in the street fled.
At least he's safe, though I'm kinda forgeted unless I can get the forget out of here fast, I thought. I sighed.

I managed to stumble my way out of the metro and into the city. Some ghouls, mutants, and some humans heard that I was trying to make a break for better land, and they are all going to end up laughing at me. I tightened the bandages around my mouth and pushed open the door to the candy shop. With a hop and a skip I was out the back door and on another street. This city was a maze. A good house was said to be in the suburbs, but a group of mutant fighters had the town it was in under wraps. As I pondered everything, I was grabbed and pulled down where a lurking mutant wouldn't see.

lemme find my old character

Time to join in  
Name: Bryce
Age: 25
Personality: silent, serious, a cold-blooded killer on a mission to survive. He prefers hand to hand combat, but will use guns if needed. A bit emo when it comes to the loss of team mates. Cool-headed during fights, he thinks very strategically.
Appearance: A mutant, who developed a third arm on his back as well as an eye onthe back of his neck. The right side of his face is very charred, as if something had blown up in his face, leaving the outline of his jaw visible through the skin.
Inventory: Knives, tomahawks, riot shield, And a PB / 6P9 silenced pistol
Clothing: Tattered black jacket, shirt, and jeans
Picture*: None.
Backstory: He used to be a mercenary and assassin, working for whoever paid the highest, 60% of the time he would be successful, other times he lost parts of his team. For each lost team member, he carries as scar on his right arm.
Theme Song: Hungarian Self Delete Song
Previous RPs*: Minecraftia, Space Invaders, 118th,
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 04:35:55 PM by Kill All »