Author Topic: goodnight sweet prince  (Read 1024 times)

at least he's not suffering anymore and you don't have to feel bad that he's living in a world where probably everyday he doesn't know anyone or anything.

Sorry for your loss man :(

at least he's not suffering anymore and you don't have to feel bad that he's living in a world where probably everyday he doesn't know anyone or anything.

he still knew us and his friends that would come and visit he would just have trouble saying what he needed and such the Alzheimer's wasn't very bad thankfully so it's nice to know he knew us still my moms dad in Sweden died last year we went over there when he got sick but by the time we got there he was pretty much unresponsive I hope he knew we were there

but yea sorry for rambling on like that

You say good nite my sweet prinse DUH

But my condolences. :C

It seems every grandfather I've heard of / known was always strong.
For example, yours, and mine. He had 3 open heart surgeries, and died about 2 years after the latest one.
RIP, sorry for your loss.

I remember when my great grandpa died age 94, in October of 2010.
I went to school crying about it and no one cared.
So I'll care for your grandpa instead :c

I remember when my great grandpa died age 94, in October of 2010.
I went to school crying about it and no one cared.
So I'll care for your grandpa instead :c
entire thread is depressing ;-;

I remember when my great grandpa died age 94, in October of 2010.
I went to school crying about it and no one cared.
So I'll care for your grandpa instead :c

I'm sorry :c

entire thread is depressing ;-;

it's cheered me up because I was expecting several unpleasant posts and there has been none

my mom's side grandfather hasn't died yet
my dad's dad died several months ago though
I didn't know him at all, and none of his kids liked him
one of my aunts didn't even go see him in the hospital before he died

oh yeah, I'm sure it feels bad though
sorry about that OP, maybe he's happier now
IUV isn't here to troll
good.. good..
he hasn't even posted since the 18th
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 12:44:33 AM by Night Fox »

he hasn't even posted since the 18th
he's banned
I remember when my great grandpa died age 94, in October of 2010.
I went to school crying about it and no one cared.
So I'll care for your grandpa instead :c
whole school is starfishs

he's banned
you're not pulling my leg, are you boy?

so this is what rednecks do in their spare time

User was banned for this post
what a perfect day that must have been

I know that feel. When my uncle would see me walking in the door saying "Who are you? Get out of my house!"
Sometimes I think its funny but mostly it makes me wanna cry

It actually is best for them to pass away sort of. It's a pain for you to see him suffer like that.

I'm sorry.