Author Topic: Music records quietly  (Read 1537 times)

So the way I make loops in bl is quite simple. I just record the songs on YouTube and get the part I want then delete the rest. Unfortunately I have noticed it is very quiet. Anyway I can make it louder in game without destroying my ears. I also want to know for a game I'm making.

Get Audacity. Open the file, use the Amplify effect, and export.

Get Audacity. Open the file, use the Amplify effect, and export.
I do that but it is still quiet compared to all other sounds

i recommend you go into first person and crouch down

I do that but it is still quiet compared to all other sounds
You're not doing it enough then. XD

instead of amplfying just change the decibels (dB, which is the slider on the left with a minus and plus sign). one to three decibels up normally get you to a good enough volume, unless it's so quiet you can't even hear it

I amplify to the max.
There is no "max." Make sure the Can Clip checkbox is checked.

Enable clipping and amplify it more, yeah. i had that problem too.

listentoyoutube, open in audacity, crop to what you want, delete a side of it to make it mono, export as ogg