Author Topic: large ass terrain with collision has no raycasting  (Read 2287 times)

I made some giant blender terrain, exported it as a DTS with collision, i can walk on it, but skiis and vehicles pass through it like air. Any help?

« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 11:09:04 PM by Wrapperup »

Looks great, hopefully the ray casting issue can be resolved.

Looks great, hopefully the ray casting issue can be resolved.

im trying to texture it but its not working omg

i got it to texture, but my god how the forget do i fix thisssnnhhhgg

The raycasting issue is the fact that it's concave. Any model that isn't convex will act solid to players, but not projectiles, items, vehicles, raycasts, etc.

The raycasting issue is the fact that it's concave. Any model that isn't convex will act solid to players, but not projectiles, items, vehicles, raycasts, etc.

Okay, usually when i did a concave collision box, blockland would decide to crash. thanks.

i did a simple sphere and put collision unto it, same effect. why
« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 08:50:35 AM by Wrapperup »

i got it to texture, but my god how the forget do i fix thisssnnhhhgg

With a proper uv map.