Author Topic: Never mind it.  (Read 1082 times)


This topic is handicapped. The ranking is opinionated, because interactions with users generally vary. I tend to be more professional in my minecraft server topic, around new users I'm a bit of a richard, but I'm constructive.

I would you all categorize me?

between idiot midcigarette and midcigarette based upon what you said

this isn't my opinion of you however

I think you're cool and all

Keep in mind, I don't categorize people. Yes, I list some people as different than others. I never, ever meant that someone who is from 2005 and is considered by the community to be nice is anywhere near as nice as someone from yesterday that's never been mean in his life.


stuff cleaners who clean out peoples' asses with their hands- newcigarettes

love slaves- everyone who dares oppose me

amazing motherforgeters- me and people who do not oppose me

see i r pr0 @ th15!!!11!!!11!

This thread is about to become; This is silly and dumb and I hate it and why aren't I a coolbro?

Keep in mind, I don't categorize people. Yes, I list some people as different than others. I never, ever meant that someone who is from 2005 and is considered by the community to be nice is anywhere near as nice as someone from yesterday that's never been mean in his life.
Meanwhile you make a topic categorizing people.


Monarchy is where it's at.

All hail king Badspot!

Meanwhile you make a topic categorizing people.


Community: You're a newcigarette!

Me: Let's just say who is and who isn't so there's no randomness involved.

Community: Fascist!

This thread is about to become; This is silly and dumb and I hate it and why aren't I a coolbro?

I think I've made it clear that Coolbros are admins. That's pretty much the worst name for them, though.

Community: You're a newcigarette!

Me: Let's just say who is and who isn't so there's no randomness involved.
yeah, so instead of randomness, you replace it with bias and stupidity.


I fit none of those categories.

You know what this reminds me of? Those losers who tried to run AoT with taxes and stuff.

This is silly and dumb and I hate it and why aren't I a Oldcigarette

Community: You're a newcigarette!

Me: Let's just say who is and who isn't so there's no randomness involved.

Community: Fascist!
what you're presenting here are the fundamentals of communism
everyone is the same classification except for its leaders

Im a Menenbro. Im my own category

awww a lock
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 02:05:04 AM by Menen »

I'm sorry. Locking and deleteing OP.

I'm either an idiot oldcigarette or an oldcigarette