Author Topic: I think there's blood in my stuff  (Read 2341 times)

ok wtf guys now im scared

don't worry. it's like getting a bendy straw stuck up your ass.

though i guarantee you that you're fine, majority of the people here are just hypochondriacs.

Super Novi has been bleeding from the ass recently, he says that he was drinking too much milk and it formed a huge bump on his ass that bled.  He told me this, I didn't see anything.
milk doesnt make your ass bleed unless its breast milk from a woman who has aids

It's nothing OP.  If you see them constantly you are open to ask your doctor about it, but if you have dark/black spots then you should definitely tell your doctor.

It's nothing OP.  If you see them constantly you are open to ask your doctor about it, but if you have dark/black spots then you should definitely tell your doctor.

Unless you've been drinking. In which case black poop is normal.

Hangover stuffs ftl.

go to the doctor you moron.

go to the doctor you moron.

If people went to the doctor for every irregularity in their system, they'd be broke.

Oh wait.  :cookieMonster:

ok wtf guys now im scared

It was probably just hard stool, drink more water.

I'm on medicine that dehydrates me so I get bloody stool sometimes (Because the stool is really dry). I am probably healthier than most kids at my school anyway.

It was probably just a small brown town fissure if the stool was large enough.

My last assumption is hemorrhoids, do not strain yourself while passing the stool. You can enlarge the blood vessels down there which is the fuse that starts hemorrhoids. If you feel itching, warmness, wetness, pain, or bumps near or around your star fish you probably have it.

This is based on the assumption that the blood was bright or moderate red, if it was darker ask your parents to go see a doctor.

Don't flame me about "omg u used gewgle" no I have to deal with this stuff all this time because of the medicine I'm on. If you miss one day of using it you have to deal with all this stuff because, like I said it is constantly dehydrating you.

To be accurate, next time check your stool after you have a bowel movement, if the blood is light or moderate just ignore it, it will go away in time. If it is dark red go see your doctor, I'm assuming it it is dark red because it has been in contact with oxygen for a longer time span. This implies there MAY be internal bleeding or something wrong with your intestines.

So I repeat, if it is dark red go see your doctor.

Crap I forgot to mention "dark red" means it looks like tar-red (I don't know if there is any color that describes this). Which is almost black, sorry if I scared you :c

« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 02:34:54 PM by Woolys »

Ok guys looked likes doctors Woolys and Beachbum have made my day, nice to know i don't have cancer.