Author Topic: Over-View Type Game  (Read 813 times)

well i was thinking what if it were possible to make a game LIKE C&C (there are others like halo wars) where each player gets there own army and can form join teams at any point
but at first i thought it might not be possible.
then i started thinking if there was any thing similar "we have bot wars"(even tho i cant get it to work for ****)
so is it possible to modify this game type to create this type so you can give your army orders like: move here, attack that enemy activate that terminal

That is very possible just using events.

I remember a tactical server, there were 2 teams and 2 leaders, leaders were way above the game and were able, by turn, to open doors so players advance, furthermore the doors closing once it's the second guy's turn.

ya but what I'm asking is for a game type that you can tell the bots that you command what to do
buy buildings, (vehicle depot, barracks, airports, supply collector) supplies, buying (infontry types, vehicles, air)
like in C&C.

I remember a tactical server, there were 2 teams and 2 leaders, leaders were way above the game and were able, by turn, to open doors so players advance, furthermore the doors closing once it's the second guy's turn.
Was it this thingy?

that was a very boring server

that was a very boring server
You're just mad because you never got be leader. >=(

It's called a well-run Mini Empires.

Also allows for more freedom when using units.

Btw, it's called an RTS (Real time strategy). Just so you know for the future.

Btw, it's called an RTS (Real time strategy). Just so you know for the future.
thank i knew there was a name for it but i forgot it

btw i know some one has done that (oviously) but what i was asking for is a game type whee yo tell BOTS what to do not PLAYERS
basicly a advanced bot wars where you can tell bots what to do