Author Topic: starcraft pack  (Read 1636 times)

I came up with a great idea! A pack that has the following vehicles from starcraft goliath, siege tank, ultralisk, vulture, battle ship, dragoon,reaver and a scout
it would have the following weapons marine machine gun, firebat flamthrower and protoss warp blade
it would also have the following skins marine, templar, dark templar, infested kerrigan, firebats and infested terran

i'm hoping that someone will make this :)



I highly doubt anyone will make these. Most people don't want things from other games in Blockland.

Well i had a friend who made a scv that worked

wow snot you never heard of starcraft tsk tsk tsk

make it yourself, bish.

wow snot you never heard of starcraft tsk tsk tsk
wow shortcakes you never heard of sarcasm tsk tsk tsk

wow snot you never heard of starcraft tsk tsk tsk
Wow johhny, you've never heard of Banjo Kazooie? Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Yet another person who just played another game and wants content form that game into Blockland, when will it end.

It'll end when you stop being a dumbass. Which is never.