Author Topic: Axolotl's Classic Jail Escape! (GAVE UP AND RELEASED)  (Read 1140 times)

I'm challenging myself to do a Jail Escape with as little extra add-ons as possible, AND with the default colorset.

It's not done yet.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 05:34:21 PM by Axolotl »

By classic do you mean nooby and gay or something? 

Just kidding, it looks great. 

sounds good, but if it sucks dont say "WHATEVER, IT'S MEANT TO BE CLASSIC" or some cop-out BS.

I just realized that this is very good compared to all the other jail escapes currently hosted right now. I find this hard to believe.

Also, the default colorset is primitive, making it sort of harder to build a good-looking jail escape.

The Slate map really adds to the lighting.

Looks alright, more pictures would give me a better thought on how well it looks.

build looks alright.

mix up some diffrent colors and the yellow out line around the doors makes me feel bad, lol.
but i understand that it isn't done so i will fully tell my opinion when and if that happens.

Of all the colorsets you could possibly have chosen you had to choose the default one? Maybe you should add a few custom colors to the default if you're going to use it.

Anyway, looks nice so far, and considering the colors available it doesn't look too bad either :)
The yellow outline of the jail doors looks a little odd in the more or less grayscale building; perhaps make it black instead?

Of all the colorsets you could possibly have chosen you had to choose the default one? Maybe you should add a few custom colors to the default if you're going to use it.

Anyway, looks nice so far, and considering the colors available it doesn't look too bad either :)
The yellow outline of the jail doors looks a little odd in the more or less grayscale building; perhaps make it black instead?
Yellow color is required for the yellow key to work. The default colorset adds to the classic feel.

Also, I am still working on this.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 01:21:53 PM by Axolotl »

I hate how my personality is like Port's in which I give up very easily on big loving projects like this piece of stuff.

Add-ons needed:
  • Default colorset and all default add-ons
  • JVS doors system
  • PhyDoors
  • PhySwitches

I might start working on this again and tweaking it for shadows.