Author Topic: How many calories to you gain a day?  (Read 1049 times)

All you people who only eat like 1000 calories, wtf? Like do you just sit around all day and do nothing? I can't imagine how sickly thin you must be.

I don't even eat 1000 calories on a normal day and I'm overweight. :o

3000~ right now, but I'll probably need to bring it up some.
oh yeah. that's me. I can still lift anvils and such though, which is kinda odd I guess (?)
maybe everyone can lift stuff regardless
You don't really need to be that strong to lift something just a few feet off the ground and carry it. You can't be scrawny mcscrawnscrawns, but its not that demanding.

how many coalarice are there in like some korvstroganoff and rice
or like how much are there in a falukorv? I don't even know what dishes I eat fkcnassf

You don't really need to be that strong to lift something just a few feet off the ground and carry it. You can't be scrawny mcscrawnscrawns, but its not that demanding.
what's scrwarny mcarms? anorexia?

About 2300 atm for maintenance. Bulk amount is ~3200.

my arms are like a skeleton's. not anorexic though.
68 pounds master unhealthy race here