Author Topic: Brick datablocks fail  (Read 753 times)

Is there any possibility to find out which add-ons are causing this

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ERROR: Brick datablock "brick3x6x3BrickData" has the same uiname as "Brick3x6x3Data" (3x6) - removing.
% BackTrace: ->[Brick_Deletion]onStart->[Brick_Deletion]serverPart2->[Brick_Deletion]dedicatedKeyCheck->[Brick_Deletion]initDedicated->[Brick_Deletion]createServer->[Brick_Deletion]onServerCreated->verifyBrickUINames

I get like hundreds of these errors on startup :/

Maybe you should reinstall the brick add-ons you have.

Just figure out which of your brick packs have a 3x6x3 brick in them.

Just figure out which of your brick packs have a 3x6x3 brick in them.
I have like all non-garbage brick add-ons on rtb and get like 500 of these errors...
That would take years to fix that way

I have like all non-garbage brick add-ons on rtb and get like 500 of these errors...
That would take years to fix that way
No it wouldn't
Delete all of your brick mods and only get ones that are actually good and that don't conflict. And this time try to define "non-garbage" properly while you're doing it

No it wouldn't
Delete all of your brick mods and only get ones that are actually good and that don't conflict. And this time try to define "non-garbage" properly while you're doing it
You can never know whether they will conflict
All brick packs are good
They give you some more bricks

You can never know whether they will conflict
All brick packs are good
They give you some more bricks
no, no, no and NO
You do know when they conflict, because they say what's in the pack. If they don't say, it's a crappy pack. Most brickpacks are complete and utter stuff. The last thing you need is 'some more bricks'

no, no, no and NO
You do know when they conflict, because they say what's in the pack. If they don't say, it's a crappy pack. Most brickpacks are complete and utter stuff. The last thing you need is 'some more bricks'
No brickpack tells you what datablock names it uses

No brickpack tells you what datablock names it uses

Step 1: Look at a possible choice for a brick pack, check what bricks it comes with.
Step 2: If you already have a pack with those bricks in, they will cause that error.
Step 3: Don't download it.


No brickpack tells you what datablock names it uses
Who the forget cares about the datablock names. First off, this error of yours is caused by a uiname
Secondly, if it's the same brick, you don't need to get it again anyway!

I personally stay away from custom cubic bricks

Who the forget cares about the datablock names. First off, this error of yours is caused by a uiname
Secondly, if it's the same brick, you don't need to get it again anyway!
ie half bricks use same uinames as 2high bricks
how the hell shall you know that before?
Who the forget cares about the datablock names. First off, this error of yours is caused by a uiname
Yes, I meant uinames