Author Topic: Arekan's 4th of July Celebration!  (Read 840 times)

Server is open currently for testing!
Arekan's 4th of July Celebration!
Attempting not to copy the others!
Can somebody please send in a banner for this?

Whats so special?
Players can do performances, without applying on the forums, but in-game too!
  • You'll be asked if you want to preform at spawn by a bot.
  • If you do, you will be teleported to a room, and an appointed admin will ask what you're going to do.
  • You will be given a room to be monitered while you practice the preformance, depending on what it is, so admins see if its worth showing or not. If it requires bricks, the admins will duplicate a SMALL set of bricks for you to use..

Why another 4th of July server?
Well...the others seemed to not be so...great, or they just had too much events planned.

Times hosted
Unlike the other 2, these will be hosted for 3 days.
  • 3rd of July - Setting up, people can apply for their performances, cleaning up events, adding to the build.
  • 4th of July - People still applying, performances played.
  • 5th of July - Probably like the other two, this is when fireworks are set off. Preformances and applying for preformances still being done until the fireworks are over.

Roles people can apply for on the forums only
Just say that you want to apply for one of these. Please also post servers that you have admin on so I can know that you can be trusted.
  • Bodyguard - Keeps players off of the stage, that did not sign up for a performance. The typical bodyguard.
  • Operator - Operates certain gates, lights, and monitors the area to help bodyguards.
  • Special Spectator - You are able to go on top of certain areas to spectate the performances! Perks - You will be able to see camera views too.
    • Builder - Help with the build! Allows you to get the super-special viewing areas with even more camera views afterwords!
    Please add your BL_ID!
Build Information
This uses somebodies L4D2 concert map, They take some of the effort!
Arkenov helped with the events. Hes practicly re-doing my crappy work.
TheKid helped with the rooms that deal with the performances.
Me for editing the build, adding some of the events, deleting some things so people can see the fireworks, and overall telling the builders what to do.

There will be a soundpack for this!
Once I finish the soundpack, I will put up a download for the forums to use if they do not want to wait for a long time just to load and possibly get suck on loading.

Special Thanks!
Valve Corporation - The concept of this build, and some of the sounds used.
TheKid - Suggesting that I put this in the topic.

Suggestions, or anything to point out about anything?
I'd like to hear anything as long as its not in some mean way! This is my first event that I put effort into, its sure to have some mistakes. If you want to suggest anything, anything at all, tell me!


« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 04:36:44 PM by Arekan »

oh my goodness, there's already 4 of these. but anyhow, good job.

like every other one im not going to be here unless its really late at night

I know that there are other ones, but this one seems to not have too much activities but at the same time it can entertain.

Yeah, I used Eksi's light pack for this.

I don't really understand why you would do a 4th of July party on Blockland when half, or most of the people will be watching one in real life.....or isnt that what you are suppose to do?

Thats why I am hosting on the two days before and after what most people would be doing in real life.

bump because the fireworks were a pain in the ass to add to.

I know that there are other ones, but this one seems to not have too much activities but at the same time it can entertain.
Wouldn't a better idea be a big number of small activity celebration groups and putting them into one.
instead of making more and more of these, which will make things more spread out and harder to contain publicity?

Can't be there, at two different parties that day, I'd say host it on like the sixth lol.

What date is the party on?

ummmmm its in tytle

People ask me when my New Years' party is, so I thought I'd ask when the 4th of July party is.