Author Topic: Idea: Effects  (Read 2038 times)

Well I was thinking, and if it is possible, how about making rain effect, or snow effect? Like be able to say /raineffect or /snoweffect and it starts to snow or rain over the map. Or some way it could do this. It would be very useful for landscaping/view to make your builds come alive. But if it's not possible or if someone already requested this, then nevermind. It would be a good think in the blockland community.

- 44 lavish

i wish i knew how to make stuff, but im only 12 so... anyway good idea  :cookie:

well, you can use f11, i dunno how you would go about creating it in a script though.
If I ever figure it out Ill make it so you can have it rain horses  :cookieMonster:

Well it would be cool if when ever your super you can open a gui to change the precipitation.

The mission editor is just another huge GUI. :cookieMonster:

Why stop at precipitation? Lightning? (needs textures) Fog?

Almost like an "easy in-game mission editor" which any Super in a server can use to edit nearly anything but the terrain.

what does GUI stand for?

Graphic user interface, I think.