Author Topic: Strange Audio/Sound  (Read 889 times)

I used to have a Windows XP the sound was fine, now I got a Windows 7 and sounds come from different places, like music bricks. The sound comes from my left when the music brick is to my right. Other games are fine though. It cannot be my computer hopefully. I am not sure what is causing it.

I don't think there is a fix. I have it too.

Wear your headphones backward  :cookieMonster:

Try configuring your headphones in sound settings.

Torque's stereo directional sound is broken/sucks.  Also OpenAL sucks. 

I find that sounds from the left are heard louder on the left, but may still be louder than they should be on the right. Also, the quote above.

Try configuring your headphones in sound settings.
I don't use headphones. And, it is only blockland as I said.

OpenAL sucks on Windows 7.

It likes to use an exponential distance envelope so that it ear rapes people when they are close to the audio source, but very quiet when far away.

OpenAL sucks on Windows 7.
Not just on Windows 7, OpenAL just sucks entirely.