Author Topic: Jailbreaking  (Read 1537 times)

What exactly is jailbreaking and is it illegal?
Jailbreaking, at it's core, allows you to do a stuff ton more with your iDevice. It's legal but it voids your warranty (if you have one).

Sweet. This is awesome.
Thanks everyone!

Can you jailbreak android devices?

Can you jailbreak android devices?

On Android, it's called "rooting" and is a little more complicated than jailbreaking an iOS device, depending on what model you have.
There's an Android Megathread, so you can check that out if you want.

Is it easy to jailbreak my Samsung Galaxy SII?

I don't know since I don't have an SII, so go look around on the Android Central and xda Developers (SII) forums for more info