Author Topic: Frostbyte's Capture Point Minigame [BETA]  (Read 968 times)


A while ago I was bored and decided to make a TDM because, why the hell not. After experimenting with weapons and addons to use I had a sudden urge to use Medieval and pirate weapons and wondered if they could make a good competitive mini game.

So I made a decent sized map (which I will expand later) added some spawns and some pirate cannons on both sides for extra defense ;) and made up 4 classes aswell, each with their own downsides and advantages.


  • Knight
The knight is meant to charge at enemy lines, he has slightly more health than the other classes (120HP to be exact) and if hes hit in the torso his sheild can reflect projectiles, excluding cannon balls however :V

  • Spearman
Spearmen have the ability to attack at long range, however their huge spears have a much higher drop rate than arrows but boast higher damage and can create a small explosion.

  • Archer
A master of long range, his arrows may be weak but they can fly through the air as quick as the wind! Not to mention if he charges his arrows he can ignite them and cause explosive arrows but at the cost of a higher drop rate so aim good!

  • Pirate
Yaharr Matey! The pirate is a master of explosives and close quarters combat. His pirate bombs can be thrown into nests of players and make a good group clearing device. His Blunderbuss also is deadly up close, but from affar hes not too much of a big deal.

Instead of doing what other Minis seem to be doing nowadays, I decided to give you guys something to do to work as a team and not low wolves all the time.

There are 3 Capture points, one close to both spawns and one in the middle subject to cannon fire from both sides.

If all three points are captured and held for 1 minute then that team will win and the other will walk away in shame.

However you have 10 minutes to complete this and if neither team does you both fail.


When is this hosted?

I will try to host this on Weekends because of school, however if I get a dedicated server running it will be open 24/7

Are you open to suggestions?

Yes, Im open to what you have to say as long as it's constructive criticism.

Can I be admin?


Why is this Medieval/Pirate themed? Nobody will like this! (Actual quote from someone who joined my server)

Modern stuff seems a bit overdone and I like Ye Old way of war. (Mostly)

Will you update the map and will you be on the server?

I will update it if I find any exploits or bugs, and I will try to be on as much as I can.


Open on Weekends, and sometimes weekdays.


Theres nothing much to take pictures of, if you took any submit them and I'll place them here.

Sorry :c

Sounds cool. There aren't many medieval TDMs out right now.

I'm hosting all day today, I hope we can get a full server to see what it's like with so many people.

I'm hosting all day today, I hope we can get a full server to see what it's like with so many people.
without pictures, I doubt this forums topic will get that many more players for you. Once you hit about 8-10 players it should shoot up to 15-18 though.

without pictures, I doubt this forums topic will get that many more players for you. Once you hit about 8-10 players it should shoot up to 15-18 though.
I got a few people today, anyways I'm going to change the map a little bit and make it more organized then post pics.

I'll have the server up later today.