
Which of these designs would work the best?  See post below for link/descriptions.

Warren Truss
Warren (vertical) Truss
Warren (subdivided) Truss
Baltimore Truss

Author Topic: Which of these toothpick bridge designs would work best?  (Read 1113 times)


I'm curious to see your guys thoughts, and I want to know from any good engineers here what might be the best option.

EDIT:  The Howe design has been ruled out.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 05:32:43 PM by Nickelob Ultra »

they all look too small and could break, how are you supposed to cross water on those

they all look too small and could break, how are you supposed to cross water on those
oh stop it, cutie

just kidding I decided on Baltimore Truss sorry for wasting your time everyone

thanks Nickelob for voting