Author Topic: [125x150] Star's Awakening  (Read 1385 times)

You control your planets, right? Why don't you just, I don't know, boop him right off your planet?

We are going to assume an old quick-fashioned battle on one of these old Battle Grounds

Courtesy of my possession

It's a Grid-Style battle. One of my old battle grounds. It's really old but I love it so.[/i]

When you get more materials, you can buy more battle ground sets.

But right now, you don't own one, so you can use mine anytime you wish until you go buy your own

The rules are pretty simple and flexible, travel anywhere you like on the grid, use your Battle Cards to fight

This is going to be a quick battle, because you are not skilled enough to have battle cards, i'll give you some of mine.

Choose which battle card you like. Your turn is first :)


(mouse over the cards for their names

The H and D balls represent Healing and Damage points.

Cosmo Health - 5

Hunter Health - 7

aint you a sun.
just burn him to death.

aint you a sun.
just burn him to death.

No, no no.

Silly Cosmo, there isn't a skill for tha-


That isn't a skill!! Well.. Not something that you would be able to learn at the moment atleast!

That is severe godmodding! Oh wait, you created this planet. I guess it has no effect then.

Whatever, the Hunter is dead now. Also the Connector is fizzing out and it's giving an electric zap everytime you touch it.

We need a way to fix it before something crazy happens to it

Explore the planet to find anything to fix the thing with.

Explore the planet to find anything to fix the thing with.
Preferably glass and wire. Or if its sand just burn the sand till its glass.