
Do we need a even lamer meeting place?


Author Topic: Just Cause 2 Multiplayer. [OFFLINE :( ]  (Read 19020 times)

All i ever do is attack the Mile High Club with all i got and then explode.

Testing is over, did everyone have fun?

Testing is over, did everyone have fun?
Not really


It was slightly fun, I just can't wait for private MP.

I keep it on because faction chat.
Wait there are actual factions?
I thought that was just people trying to rp saying "im police" "well im 420 and i shoot police"

Next test, we have to meet at where the Derby happens.

Testing is over, did everyone have fun?

Best testing session yet!

Next time everyone should join the Blockland faction and create some chaos with duel minigun boats :)

this game is 75% off on Steam's flash sale right now if anyone doesn't have it yet