Author Topic: Anyone know why Client_ChatLogger is in the list of bad CRCs?  (Read 1613 times)

Badspot placed the Client_ChatLogger add-on in the list of failed add-ons, anyone know why?

Don't know if I placed this in the wrong section, seemed like the best place.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 05:33:28 PM by Conservative »

hmm, maybe people's loggers were bothering people?

hmm, maybe people's loggers were bothering people?
This makes no sense.

It is a client-sided chat-logger that saves any servers chat to a .txt for future use, I found it extremely helpful in some cases.

Here's one that the folks over at SS use:

Edit: Restricted link, sorry. Try this one.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 01:03:36 AM by Greek2me »

Here's one that the folks over at SS use:

Edit: Restricted link, sorry. Try this one.

Code: [Select]
eval("%line = strReplace(%line,\"\\c"@%i@"\",\"\");");

%spos = 0;
%epos = 0;
if((%spos = striPos(%line,"<color:")) != -1)
if((%epos = strPos(%line,">",%spos)) != -1)
%line = getSubStr(%line,0,%spos) @ getSubStr(%line,%epos+1,255);
%spos = 0;
%epos = 0;
if((%spos = striPos(%line,"<bitmap:")) != -1)
if((%epos = strPos(%line,">",%spos)) != -1)
%line = getSubStr(%line,0,%spos) @ getSubStr(%line,%epos+1,255);
%spos = 0;
%epos = 0;
if((%spos = striPos(%line,"<font:")) != -1)
if((%epos = strPos(%line,">",%spos)) != -1)
%line = getSubStr(%line,0,%spos) @ getSubStr(%line,%epos+1,255);

Oh god, lol.