Author Topic: Stun Grenade and Downed State  (Read 764 times)

The official topic has an outdated, broken link. Does anyone have the mod "Stun Grenade"?

Also, how would I utilize the downed state that was used in "Gamemode Zombie" by Rotondo, while using Slayer instead of TDM.

I guess you could extract the file from the game mode files.
then make it an addon.

Uploaded the Stun Grenade for you.

And I would love to see the "Downed State" be made into a separate add-on, that would be pretty sweet.

The downed state is pretty easy, I could remake it for you if you want. However, I would not be able to make the rotating exclamation point above the player.

The downed state is pretty easy, I could remake it for you if you want. However, I would not be able to make the rotating exclamation point above the player.

That's okay because it was buggy anyways. It would stay there even after they player died or was helped up. If you uploaded it to RTB it would get 5 stars for sure. By the way, thanks Racerboy :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 05:25:09 PM by Sunny »