Author Topic: Saving Variables - Fixed! [Useless]  (Read 1327 times)

Events Set - Saving Variables was broken. So I decided to fix it.


NOTE: Delete the file in config/server/savedVars.txt(default directory) for this to work.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 10:49:52 AM by jes00 »

You could atleast tell us what you changed so I don't have to fiddle with winmerge

so I don't have to fiddle with winmerge
What's winmerge?

What's winmerge?
Takes two files/folders/archives and tells me where the differences are

You could atleast tell us what you changed
The broken tried getting the variable's value and setting the variable's value the wrong way. I simply fixed that.

The version of variables you "fixed" this for already has saving and loading built in.

The version of variables you "fixed" this for already has saving and loading built in.
It does? Where?

This saves a client or player's variable to a file then can be loaded again with the VCE_loadVariable event. The first arguement is the target and the second arguement is the name of the variable. You can also put multiple names of variables seperated by commas and it will save all of them.

This loads a previously saved variable that was saved by the VCE_saveVariable event. The first arguement is the target and the second is the name of the variable.