Author Topic: Need Hoster  (Read 1244 times)

I need someone to host for me... I'm making a Star Wars DM (I know, inspired by teh LaZoRs of DOOM), but I want some people to help. So if you wanna host for me, please tell me!

pics first (of your work), if they are good INVA would be happy to host for you

it just isnt star wars without the starships :(

what you gonna theme it on? (what planet, or such)

I will post pics soon, just be aware it is in it's very early stages.

Here im shooting at an early stage of one of the bases. The lazers light up the ground and look very cool  :cookieMonster: I'm going to add terrain, such as bushes, trees, ditches/bumps, blown apart buildings, a ponds, and a cave. At least those are my goals. If I get a host then I can have more people working, thus a better DM.

needs work
Like I said, those screens were taken after about 30 minutes of work. Who here has finished a stellar DM after 30 minutes? No one? Hmmmmm, I wonder why....

needs work
Like I said, those screens were taken after about 30 minutes of work. Who here has finished a stellar DM after 30 minutes? No one? Hmmmmm, I wonder why....

in the future i might host my and sensei's DM and half we made half an hour and after that i upgraded every thing and builded the 2nd half in 30 minets and its AWSOME

aproved by Koden :D