Author Topic: A City in Ruins - A Part of History [Welcome to the... city?]  (Read 3692 times)

Oh god, lol. Nevermind.
We also see a slab of aluminum lying against a further off building that we go to interrogate.

Sadly I couldn't find a single bit of food among the many looted stores. I was going to have to just give up and wheel on home. Scratch that, wheeling home is a bad idea, somebody is bound to hear these squeaky wheels. I suppose the security office might have one of those carts that the security people drive around, but with the current situation I doubt it. I wheel off in that direction anyways to find that the security office is on the second of three floors. Great. I had to struggle up a broken escalator and crawl over to the office a ways away. The door was wide open, and the place was already looted aside from a few random things that security officials use. Thankfully, these things were just what I needed. One of the bits was the barrel from a shotgun, which was exactly what I needed for a new leg. The barrel, a bent piece of metal and some wires from inside the camera monitors was all it took to get me walking again. Just to be safe, I ripped off half of the left leg of my pants and tied it in a knot around my knee where the new leg attached for extra support. It took a minute of getting used to, but now I was better than ever. I quickly scurried along the path that brought me here and started heading home.

Oh god, lol. Nevermind.
We also see a slab of aluminum lying against a further off building that we go to interrogate.
I carefully get out of the Trashcan, and when I get on a rooftop, I shoot one of them with my old M4A1. I run into the sewers.

Something in my side starts to sting,
no, it starts to hurt.
Oh my god, it hurts, what just happened.
I grab my side in pain to feel blood on my hand.
All of us quickly run back to the camp to fix my hurt feels.

Something in my side starts to sting,
no, it starts to hurt.
Oh my god, it hurts, what just happened.
I grab my side in pain to feel blood on my hand.
All of us quickly run back to the camp to fix my hurt feels.
I thenk nuke them the end.

I write in my Journal passed down from the grandfather, to my dad, and then to me.

Entry 1203 Nathan II [Jokey please make a date plox]

"I just loving poured some hot water on a group of RESTORATION, then I just run away. Then I saw this sweet note in the battery port of my Gameboy, and then I go to the Citadel because granddad told me to. It was in pieces and I go back, rather to find the same RESTORATION group and I jump into a trashcan. They go and interrogation a metal slab and I shoot them with granddads old M4A1, it was pretty funny to see the leader hold his side, then I ran here. Well, nights coming, so I must go to bed."
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 05:49:41 PM by Swat 3 »

After I'm patched up, I stay in bed for a while.
It seems like years.
No, it was just a minute or two.
My side still hurts a lot, but I just lie there, watching an old horse racing video on a small, dirty television.

*Swat rubs the defibrillators*


The buzzing of the air around was calming.
The sound of far-off gunfire wasn't.
I laid down and tried to think of nice things, like calzones.

I thenk nuke them the end.

I right in my Journal passed down from the grandfather, to my dad, and then to me.

Entry 1203 Nathan II [Jokey please make a date plox]

"I just loving poured some hot water on a group of RESTORATION, then I just run away. Then I saw this sweet note in the battery port of my Gameboy, and then I go to the Citadel because granddad told me to. It was in pieces and I go back, rather to find the same RESTORATION group and I jump into a trashcan. They go and interrogation a metal slab and I shoot them with granddads old M4A1, it was pretty funny to see the leader hold his side, then I ran here. Well, nights coming, so I must go to bed."

write misspell lvl: "right"

*Swat rubs the defibrillators*

But your name is Nathan..?

But your name is Nathan..?
that was a bump

"Bringing the topic back to life."

After a while, my leg stopped throbbing. Hopefully the pain would stop soon, too.
I tried to think of what it was like so long ago when the city was luscious and nice.