
Keep the MAS transport vehicle?

10 (66.7%)
2 (13.3%)
No vehicle at all
2 (13.3%)
Change the vehicle to something else
1 (6.7%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Author Topic: Humans Vs Mechs  (Read 2536 times)

Its german for wonderful, but actually its spelt wünderbar

Cyclonic Ion Blaster (Short)
Plasma gun (Mid)
Rail guns or rockets, depending on who's crying in the server. (Long)

those are seriously the most broken weapons in the pack


those are seriously the most broken weapons in the pack
Will do.

I know, but I couldn't find any other suitable name for a robotic humanoid, beside android. And androids aren't those things.
android has nothing to do with humans

the word you're looking for is cyborg

For the first post I've seen you make besides that one in general discussion, you seem like a pretty talented builder, good job! Looks like it'll be a lot of fun

I like the structures and the space ship, but from what i can see of the terrain, it really looks odd.
Pillars of brown with studs while the ground is the ramp texture...
It really looks strange in my opinion.

Quote from: Alkatjo
The year is 6969

what a nice year

looks good though
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 02:14:51 PM by Cookiez664 »

so this is basically Mann Vs Machine in Blockland


so this is basically Mann Vs Machine in Blockland

Something similar, but yes.
I like the structures and the space ship, but from what i can see of the terrain, it really looks odd.
Pillars of brown with studs while the ground is the ramp texture...
It really looks strange in my opinion.
some of the pillars were supposed to be boxes, and they looked odd. I intended for the ship to be filled with more cover, but as soon as spring break hits I'm making the ship at least 3 times as big.

There should be more types of mechs.