Author Topic: Think of a liquid before entering.  (Read 2659 times)

I thought of semen

yay nothing different

rocket fuel and oxidizer
forget now i've got fire shooting out of me and OH HOLY forget THIS IS COLD

Hydrofluoric acid
brb not having children but loving everyone

water was the first thing that came into my mind simply because i had already clicked the thread so i had to think quickly
it's weird considering i'm drinking milk right now

Off Topic has enough stuffty forum games. This is where stuffty forum games are supposed to go.
However, it does not involve the community in a central and advancing story or plot.  This is a string of individual comments that bear no relation to the others.

Therefore, OT.

well, i think that you're a huge pooplord but that won't change the fact that stuffty forum games go here

Eh, I see forum games here a lot
might as well let off topic not suffer yet another forum game

I now interject semen.

.. yay?

Motor oil

beep boop son...beep boop