Author Topic: RAPPIN' FOR JESUS  (Read 850 times)

Oh, I thought this topic was going to be about this.

"jesus is my brother"

this is just


i have no words

i also laughed my ass off

JESUS IS MAH brother
I crie evry tiem
Is so speciul it maks mi hert hurt <3 jebus

Best video ever this guy should rap publicly, he's win grammys by the metric ton

oh my G*d

so much stereotypical white

holy loving what

what the actual forget did i just watch

Christianity and Rap do not go together very well

Christianity and Rap do not go together very well
Some are actually okay, comparing them to other rap. This one is just.


Some are actually okay, comparing them to other rap. This one is just.

Not sure if rap

But sounds pretty cool

Yeah I don't think I actually know what counts as rap
Not sure if rap

But sounds pretty cool

Yeah I don't think I actually know what counts as rap
Thats not rap, but it didn't sound half-bad.

The forget did I just watch?