
What type of server next?

Keep this one?
0 (0%)
Trench TDM
1 (100%)
Fantasy RPG
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 1

Author Topic: ChocoboPah's Server - Conveyer TDM  (Read 1097 times)

ChocoboPah's Server
The server is currently a Conveyer TDM
ChocoboPah - Host - 12247
Sentry - Super Admin - 12027
Jirachi - Super Admin - 33415

1). No Spamming
 1a. No spamming Chat - Includes Caps, repeating your self, advertising, etc.
 2b. No spamming Building - Includes random bricks everywhere, and anything that another may find wrong.
 3c. No spamming Invites - Includes Trust, etc.
2). No Begging
 2a. No Begging for Admin - This will be dealt with a ban.
 2b. No Begging for Trust - If someone says no, he means it.
 2c. No Begging for Personal Gain - Example, in a CityRP, don't beg for money.
3). Follow the Mod Rules - Mod's, and themed servers will have a set of rules, if so, Type "/Rules" to see it.
4). Obey Admins/Bans
 4a. Obey - This doesn't apply to everything, if you think they are doing something wrong, go over the bottom (Admin Rules), and see for yourself, if so, provide sufficient evidence, and you may get unbanned.
 4b. Repeated Offender - Repeated offenders are going to get longer bans, so, try not to get banned often.

Admin Rules - Applies to admins only

1). No random bans
 1a. Don't like someone, I don't care, only ban them for something serious.
 2b. Banning for fun - Will result in de-admin/demotion.
2). No random demoting
 1a. Don't demote, unless absolutely necessary.
3). No promoting
 1a. Don't just promote someone if its your friend, this goes for Admin (Giving password), and SA's (Autoing, Manual, etc)
 2a. If you must promote, try giving me a letter, or something.

(Image from the TDM)

Mar, 19, 2013
I know that my server's been showing Freebuild, I fixed that, I could of sworn though that I changed it to speedkarts...

« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 06:57:59 AM by Pah1023 »

We need something original this time.
Why not make a vehicle game where you drive freely across mountains and hills? A CityRPG would be nice too, but it has to be good and detailed.

We need something original this time.
Why not make a vehicle game where you drive freely across mountains and hills? A CityRPG would be nice too, but it has to be good and detailed.
Honestly, I don't see anyone wanting to just drive through mountains or hills, unless its in reaching.
A City RPG would be nice.
I think when I do get the service(tomorrow), I'm just gonna host a city themed building, such as houses and towers, etc.

Got the service now, and its currently up.
Tomorrow, I probably will change it to a TDM or something.

Oh how I love Filipe for creating speed karts. <3

Oh how I love Filipe for creating speed karts. <3
i hate to be rude, by why does everyone ride filipes richard (no pun) when badspot made the speedkarts default?

i hate to be rude, by why does everyone ride filipes richard (no pun) when badspot made the speedkarts default?
Because Badspot didn't create the speedkart.
Nasoa made the first speedkart server.
Filipe made the speedkart.
Therefore Filipe is the one to be loved for there being Speedkart servers.

Bump again.
Started on a TDM, and I will try to finish it so it will be up tomorrow.
If not, I should be done by the day after.

Because Badspot didn't create the speedkart.
Nasoa made the first speedkart server.
Filipe made the speedkart.
Therefore Filipe is the one to be loved for there being Speedkart servers.
and nasoa for making an absolutely amazing server that might have been the thing that got baddy to notice the speedkarts. c;

Finished the TDM this morning, and it is now up, also posted some pictures (two for now).

If you find any issues with the TDM, post it here, or if you have any suggestions for it.

Bump, thinking about changing server type.
Currently, I have four ideas.
TDM (Keep current one),
Trench TDM, And
Fantasy RPG (If so, may take a few days).
So I'm putting the poll up in a second, be looking for it.