Author Topic: So.. There's this girl.  (Read 2880 times)

Do the ol' "secret admirer" trick and see if she flips out badly or in a good way. But this would probably be a last resort kinda' thing.

Or just go up and say "I love you" and see if she laughs or not. Also last resort kinda.

Well just don't ask her out after like a month when she breaks up with someone.

Give her time to get over the breakup before you try anything.

Do the ol' "secret admirer" trick and see if she flips out badly or in a good way. But this would probably be a last resort kinda' thing.

Or just go up and say "I love you" and see if she laughs or not. Also last resort kinda.
This is not the way to do it ever unless you're in elementary school.

Or just go up and say "I love you" and see if she laughs or not. Also last resort kinda.

She sent me a nice message. " I do like you, I like you a lot, but I'm not ready for a relationship yet."
I still have my hopes up, and she might even accept the question!

Nah, that friendship is over, from what I can see in the long-run.

You've gotta choose. The bro, or the ho.

Bros before Hoes?

Or if your patient and lucky enough you can keep your friend and get the girl. This would take a long while though.

Or if your patient and lucky enough you can keep your friend and get the girl. This would take a long while though.

Nah, that's too "beta" apparently.