Got into an argument with this bible thumper (idiot who quotes it but doesn't understand stuff) about homoloveuality. Ill try to quote it the best I can.
Dude 1: What is wrong with being gay?
Dude 2: Everything, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve
Me: Isn't Christianity about accepting people for who they are? They may be sins but you know what else is a sin? Divorce. And the result of a woman divorcing someone was for to be stoned to death, but people don't do that and still divorce people. While the Bible gives no punishment for people who are homoloveuals.
Dude 2: What does this have to do with cigarettes?
Me: Well your reason for hating homoloveuals is obviously because you think its a sin. Divorce is a sin that has a punishment, but no one follows through with it.
Dude 2: Shut the forget up, I don't care. Being a friend is not normal!
Me: It doesn't matter if its normal or not, you know what is not normal? brown town love with a woman, but people still do it. We do tons of stuff that is not normal.
That is no reason to persecute them for the way they ARE. YOU can't change them, it won't happen. Why does it matter to you if its what makes them happy? If you were to get a divorce, and that made you happy, should we treat you like stuff? nope.