Author Topic: Fullscreen without quality loss?  (Read 1184 times)

Is there some way to go fullscreen without losing the picture quality in Blockland?
Pressing alt+enter makes things appear of lower quality. Can this be fixed?
I've been using custom resolution and it's a bit tedious. Also, I don't like a task bar while I'm playing.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 06:02:54 PM by -Setro- »

If you go full-screen, then resolution is the only thing that'll make the quality better. Other than putting your graphics card on higher settings.

yeah. turn up your resolution

Full screen is full screen. Using your full screen resolution yields perfect quality. Anything below that will be stretched to be full screen.

full screen full screen full screen full screen full screen

Use your monitor's native resolution.

if your monitor is 1980x1080 then turn on "borderless mode" after you've done that you can then select 1980x1080 in the resolution settings and then you'll be happy