Author Topic: blockland download is corupted??  (Read 696 times)

i downloaded blockland today and when i try to run it the launch thing comes up then it just closes out. I thought it was my computer at first but i asked a friend to try and download on his computer then he had same problem then i asked another friends and same happen to him. Is the blockland download corupted?

no. this happens every time someone starts it up, the "window" you are talking about is the loading screen for blockland.

just wait.

what operating system?

This is an legit problem. The launcher is not downloading files. My sister tried to download the game and blockland.exe was not installed nor were any of the scripts. The launcher loaded and exited, but no Blockland or anything ever appeared.

yeah they need to fix it or no new people can even play this thing

yeah they need to fix it or no new people can even play this thing
it would be super helpful if you could tell me your operating system so I could help you

badspot appears to have fixed the error, start blockland now and it will work

nice its fixed now thx badspot