Author Topic: I want ot be more talktive  (Read 665 times)

I cannot take it no longer, it seems as if I cannot really make myself any my friends enjoy talking with me. I can't really pick anything to talk about or develop my conversations afterwards. I see myself as a boring person.
It's probably because I'm really tired all the time. I sleep for 6 hours every day because of the finals. I will get more sleep after this week, after school ends, but It's been like that for some time now.

What should I do to become a happier, more entertaining person? I go out a lot, but I was thinking of not going out for a few days just to clear my head a bit.

around your friends, you don't need to just talk about a specific subject. you can make jokes, whether they're relatively silly. if you  want to talk about a certain topic, bring up something you show interest in and they may find interest in as well.

around your friends, you don't need to just talk about a specific subject. you can make jokes, whether they're relatively silly. if you  want to talk about a certain topic, bring up something you show interest in and they may find interest in as well.
I know, but somehow I can't do this anymore.

as you said in the OP, you don't get very much sleep, it's most definitely a factor, and finals are stressful. do you make time in your day to study, rather than late at night?

I find I'm hilarious when I'm tired.

It's hit and miss for me. I say funny things but in between them I say things that just bomb.

Sleep more, exercise and chill out.
If you are sitting there thinking about how you don't talk enough you will continue to be quiet, just chat about whatever who cares.

EDIT: 14k posts
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 07:49:28 PM by Clone v.117 »

I've found that being stressed out is somewhat of a choice. Once I realized that, and believed it, it has been much, much, easier to rid myself of stress and not be negatively affected by most stressful situations. Now, this may not work for everyone; it depends on your character a bit. But go ahead and give it a try. Funny thing is, I get about the same amount of sleep on average (sometimes less), and I don't find feel like I want to talk to people any less... Maybe that's just me...?

Also, here's something that could help you a lot in this situation; join some activity, team, event, or something that forces you to meet your peers. Just a few years ago, I wasn't very outgoing, and I was very quiet, kind of a stay-in-the-shadows kind of guy. Now, three years later, after being on a FIRST Robotics FRC team for that long, I have been changed tremendously. I have no trouble talking to people, doing crazy things in public, making eye contact (to the point where it becomes uncomfortable for the other party, even), etc, etc...

I may be a bit of an extreme case, and you might not be affected as much as I was, but it'll still help, trust me. Just make sure it's something you will enjoy doing; not simply because you might get bored otherwise, but also because the people you meet will most likely share some of your interests.

I hope this helps and that you can make some nice friends! Good luck! Don't do drugs!

I have the same issue as you, but I hate talking to people.. especially when I'm tired.

I've never really had much to say to anyone and never carried on a conversation for long. but you could try like others said like getting more sleep (I need more of that, doesn't help me either lol)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 11:35:13 AM by Isjix »