Author Topic: Half Life 2: Update (community made standalone mod)  (Read 2109 times)

There’s never been a better time to revisit City 17.
A completely free and extensive community-developed update for
Half-Life 2 featuring beautiful lighting, countless bug fixes, and a
brand new Community Commentary Mode.



the floating table wasn't fixed


the floating table wasn't fixed

It's not floating, it's just special!

Looks to me mainly higher res textures and bug fixes.

Which isn't bad it NEEDED that kind of update. Good job for them.

Looks to me mainly higher res textures and bug fixes.
Bug fixes, yes, higher res textures, not really, if anything, they took the updated textures and materials from Episode Two

They've also fixed up the draw distance, fog, added light rays to certain places, fixed missing geometry in some areas, added HDR, changed some particle effects, improved the blocky lighting and lack of shadows, and changed the commentary mode to feature some well known Youtubers from Did You Know Gaming and Ross Scott

Did they fix ABH (accelerated backwards hopping)? If so, I don't wanna play :^)

Did they fix ABH (accelerated backwards hopping)? If so, I don't wanna play :^)
I think the Steampipe update fixed that for the Half Life 2s, so i doubt this would have it, only Garry's Mod still has it

I think the Steampipe update fixed that for the Half Life 2s
Definitely not, I just tried it and it still works.