Author Topic: Hyaku's Rising Lava Build  (Read 3105 times)

Hey guys, tis Hyaku.
I play on Zapk's raising lava and it's really fun.
One problem that I've seen complained about was how people would use teamwork to dominate rounds.
Like in Crystia Castle, if you get a boost too the spire in the middle right above the stairs, you're invincible.
So in light of this (and just because I felt like building some stuff), I give you a smorgasbord of color and 8 cubes that will  put a new spin on Rising Lava.

On my new build, the goal is not too get too the top, but to avoid the bottom.
All players will spawn at the top, and after the set amount of time, will be given push brooms.
The players will knock each other off or temporarily destroy the platforms over 5 tiers of rainbow explosion tiles.
This also puts a cap on teamwork, because there is nowhere too go but down.
Essentially, it is falling tiles for Rising Lava, but with two 8 cubes separating each tier, once you go down there's no going back up.

This build is designed to put a new spin on rising lava, and with the format it is in, will probably make for fun and speedy rounds.

As you can probably see, large-scale builds are not really my specialty, but it uses the default color-set and only uses only 5 different bricks. (All default as well)
You can rate, but remember, I built in favor of game-play over attractiveness.

(and no, I don't have a mediafire account)

Huh, good idea.

Edit: Raising Lava? Might want to fix that : )

Huh, good idea.

Edit: Raising Lava? Might want to fix that : )

so essentially a pushbroom dm
because that's what i'm seeing
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 12:20:47 PM by The Resonte! »

so essentially a pushbroom dm
because that's what i'm seeing
I made it for the rising lava game mode

I made it for the rising lava game mode
yes but it appears that the gameplay itself
is essentially a pushbroom dm

gives me eye strain


i don't really like it, it's pretty different and not in a way i find good. sorry

Its too colorful, recolor it please

Cool idea though