Author Topic: [UPDATE] Old Sky Scrapers 2010 and 2011 By HAIR  (Read 4211 times)

I'm not American but I'm just a decent speaker

Those are really good Hair, anyone who would say they aren't is saying it because their jellous.
The fact you made them when you were 10 and 11 also blows me away, very good work.
My favorites are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th

they're, jealous

No, it just means they have a different opinion.

The skyscrapers are decent, but they aren't hard to make and therefore don't show much skill. That isn't the point though, as they ARE just skyscrapers. I really like the fourth one, the last one, and the MetLife one.

The Metlife one is good, especially the slanted sides.

they're, jealous

No, it just means they have a different opinion.

The skyscrapers are decent, but they aren't hard to make and therefore don't show much skill. That isn't the point though, as they ARE just skyscrapers. I really like the fourth one, the last one, and the MetLife one.
It was a complimentary joke, why is everyone so serious?

I started playing like four years ago and I still can't build anything that's even this good :c

they're, jealous

No, it just means they have a different opinion.

The skyscrapers are decent, but they aren't hard to make and therefore don't show much skill. That isn't the point though, as they ARE just skyscrapers. I really like the fourth one, the last one, and the MetLife one.

At times, sky scrapers could be a little difficult when your dealing with the interior and the shapes.

Yes, duplicating is easy as for a sky scraper but I put more details on the interior. Almost all of those pictures of sky scrapers, you could go in but as for the New York sky scrapers you can't.

the building with the slanted side and extension out the side is really interesting in terms of design. It could have been executed better, but its something I haven't seen done that well before.

the building with the slanted side and extension out the side is really interesting in terms of design. It could have been executed better, but its something I haven't seen done that well before.

Well it will be better if you look at it from 2010
Because some how I don't have the corner bricks before making it white glowing lights.

Just imagine there is corner bricks and blue lights.

#11 looks like at any second it'll transform into a power ranger

i really like how abstract that one looks, have you tried to make more skycrapers with oquestionable structural integrity?

#11 looks like at any second it'll transform into a power ranger

i really like how abstract that one looks, have you tried to make more skycrapers with oquestionable structural integrity?

Yes I have made many more sky scrapers but my computer has deleted my data.

You could check out my latest sky scraper right here

These are actually really good for someone who made them when he was 10/11.