Author Topic: Jirues Botb APP  (Read 1872 times)

Here is a build i made a long time ago and i knew some use would come it :D

Nice. As a member of BotB, I'm sure (But can't guarentee [spelling?]) that you'll get in. By the way, my castle is majorly quite a bit updated.

i think you have a chance but as below (or above) not guarenteed. I haven't seen a 'building' from you yet, i'd like to see one. See how much creativity you can put into one, considering your places have plenty.

caves are the best part :D

Try posting this in the BotB thread - Kyle doesn't seem to notice this.

Try posting this in the BotB thread - Kyle doesn't seem to notice this.

kylealready said that he is in  :cookieMonster:

lol that looks like a lego set that i have (100 bucks, and its broken now XD)

Nice waterfall I would have given you a cookie if it was just a little bit better
I only give my cookies for 8/10+