Author Topic: Lost my 3rd Ti-84  (Read 2813 times)

If it's private, the school should cover everything since your parents pay for it anyway. The people who run your school are major cheapos then. I go to a private school and if I loose something like a calculator they provide us with a new one without making us pay for anything. All school supplies are on them too.

I hate my school. It's loving $17k a year and we have to pay for all our books/materials and everything else. I'm in my senior year though so I figured I might as well tough it out.

id investigate.

There's a camera like every ten feet on the ceiling. I'll see what I can dig out.

There's a camera like every ten feet on the ceiling. I'll see what I can dig out.
yeah and if you find out who it is, confront him and ask if he stole it. if he lies kick his ass then take it. if he gives you it, kick his ass.

if its a woman do the same thing except tell her shes a bitch because you cant hit women.

all I need is my good ol' 30XIIS