Author Topic: Adolf Riddler (BLID: 31784, 15591, 43951)  (Read 9347 times)

and has an obsession with vaginas and snakees. Don't forget this part either.
And he posted research on the forums with Subway sandwiches poorly pasted over the naughty parts.

and has an obsession with vaginas and snakees. Don't forget this part either.

Doesn't that apply to most animals/humans?

And he posted research on the forums with Subway sandwiches poorly pasted over the naughty parts.

How is that bad? It was just hilarious.

Pandan is spot on. Anybody who thinks naming himself Adolf Riddler is funny should reevaluate their sense of humor.

Pacha+ is an alt of Tompson/Thompson, who got banned from the forums a while back; I don't recall the specific reason. Pacha+ is not actually Pacha.
On that note, Tompson is also all three IDs in this drama, so...
So Pacha+ isn't the skype buttbuddy circle Pacha?

So Pacha+ isn't the skype buttbuddy circle Pacha?

No? I thought that was perfectly clear.

How is that bad? It was just hilarious.
Some of us got tired of it pretty fast.

So Pacha+ isn't the skype buttbuddy circle Pacha?

pacha+ isnt me but he's still a skype circlejerker